Sept19 - EofSCSC

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Open Show 7th. September 2019
Judge: Mrs louise Harrison (Lourisma)
BIS: Todd & Rahman`s: Zheridons Chinese Whispers  RBIS: Mrs. R. Adams: Whinburn Ptarmigan
BVIS: Miss K. Torbett`s: Kirlinjis Dare to Stare Sh CM BPIS: Mrs. R. Adams: Whinburn Ptarmigan
Mrs. Mary Hynd (Scomar)
After 32 years of loyal service to the club as Secretary Mary decide to step down from the post and let someone else take the reins, she has been suceeded by Mrs. Jane Smith (Luanshya), lets hope she can last this long.

Photo`s courtesy of Jane Smith
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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