Club History - EofSCSC

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Club History

East of Scotland Cocker Spaniel Club

In the 1930’s the sporting side of life was popular and much more taken for granted. The dog fanciers and the sportsmen vied with each other to breed the beat working dog and also the best dog for the ring. Two irrestible challenges.
For such a popular breed as the Cocker Spaniel, it needed a focus in the East of Scotland. We must remember that travelling further a field in those days was difficult and time consuming.
  On April 8th 1937 a first meeting of Cocker enthusiasts was held in Edinburgh to form a club and, with 38 founder members, all from the capital and surrounding districts, the club was born and the name duly granted by the Kennel Club. 63 years later the Club still caters for many enthusiasts and, with modern and easy travel, welcomes people from all parts of the world. The main idea noted in 1937 was “to fulfill a useful purpose by increasing the knowledge of and the   desirable points of a Cocker Spaniel.”
 During the war years our shows were in abeyance from 3.5.40 until 2.11.44. Events restarted in a small way and built up to a Championship show in 1947, this was held in Edinburgh but not repeated due to circumstances out with Club control. In the following two decades many new Kennels emerged, and continue to do so. Some of our top specialist judges of recent years began their judging career at an East of Scotland club show. In 1987 the Golden Jubilee of the Club was an important milestone and a happy occasion for everyone who took part in a special open event for cockers, their owners, visitors and spectators. Our judges on that occasion being Miss P. Neilson (Noslien) and Mr. R. Weir (Weirdene), owners of two famous Scottish kennels. Picture is our late and esteemed Hon. President Miss Ogilvy Sheperd (Vbos) cutting the anniversary cake surrounded by club officers, exhibitors and friends.
  For success a club of any kind demands a high degree of honesty and integrity, unselfishness and co-operation. We all know these virtues are difficult to maintain, especially in this modern world, but they have given the East of Scotland Cocker Spaniel Club 63 years to benefit the breed we love.

(Photo and Text) Courtesy of Miss M. Struthers

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